
Drama • • Directed by: The Flash (Reboot) • 42 minutes

What would you sacrifice to have everything you’ve ever wanted? In the season three premiere Barry is living his dream life – his parents are alive; he’s asked Iris West on a date; and he can finally be a normal guy as Central City has another speedster, Kid Flash (series star KEIYNAN LONSDALE), running around saving the city. However, when Barry starts forgetting parts of his old life, the Reverse-Flash (recurring guest star MATT LETSCHER) taunts his nemesis, warning him that there will be serious repercussions for Barry and those he loves if he continues to live in this alternate universe. In addition to losing his memories, his powers will also start to fade. When disaster strikes, Barry must decide if he wants to continue to live in this world as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.

Other films by The Flash (Reboot)