Pieza para Flauta y Arpa: I. Pieza
And then the Ocean Glows
Pieza para Flauta y Arpa: II. Variaciones
Motionless Vault
Hui Rao
Gloriosa (Live)
Five Constellations: V. Eridanus
Postcards from Singapore: III. —
Five Constellations: I. Vela
Five Constellations: II. Columba
Five Constellations: IV. Coma Berenices
Postcards from Singapore: I. —
Gigante Blanca
La Nueche de San Xuan: III. Les Xanes na Nueche de San Xuan
With Heart and Voice
La Nueche de San Xuan: I. Los Ventolinos
Five Constellations: III. Lyra
Postcards from Singapore: II. —
Shining Light
Last Dragonfly Dance
La Nueche de San Xuan: II. Los Trasgos