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Drama • TV-MA • Directed by: Hightown • 59 minutes
Finally Jackie gets some wins. Following up on her lead about Krista's sugar daddy, Jackie puts the screws to Anthony Delviccario, and gets the name of the hotel Krista's staying at. Krista's not there, but Jackie leaves her phone number, hoping against hope the missing girl will reach out. And that's when Jackie gets a call that completely changes her attitude - while she's still on thin ice at work due to her DUI case, she's needed back on the job ASAP. Turns out, the NMFS have a massive sting, or ‘Big Fucking Operation,' set up, and need all the help they can get. Jackie's in her investigative element at the BFO, and winds up being the lynchpin in bringing down their suspect. Walking on air, Jackie joins her colleagues at the bar that night for a celebratory drink. Will her sobriety hold up?
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