London Unplugged

Drama • Unrated • Directed by: Nicholas Cohen, Rosanna Lowe, George Taylor, Layke Anderson, Andrew Cryan, Mitch Crawford, Anders Heger-Bratterud, Natalia Casali, Kaki Wong & Qi. Zhang • 89 minutes

London Unplugged is a heart-felt collection of 10 short films by emerging, diverse talent that speaks to survival and connection in the big city: tackling issues from asylum, homelessness and predatory landlords to nightlife and dangerous pets. Together these tales create a tapestry of London as it is experienced right now: as one of the most expensive, extraordinary, extreme cities in the world. The emphasis is on female stories. The film also showcases two adaptations by classic female authors, written while they too were new voices, struggling in London - Virginia Woolf's "Kew Gardens" and Katherine Mansfield's "Pictures." The spine of the film is a journey East to West run by athlete, Your lance Bianca Richards. Her determination and struggle mirror her own life story while also tapping into questions facing every Londoner: how do you find meaning and connection in a vast, costly city?

Other films by Nicholas Cohen, Rosanna Lowe, George Taylor, Layke Anderson, Andrew Cryan, Mitch Crawford, Anders Heger-Bratterud, Natalia Casali, Kaki Wong & Qi. Zhang