Pink Pajamas / Sique Sique Sique / Pink Ice

Kids & Family • TV-G • Directed by: The Pink Panther Show • 23 minutes

Pink Pajamas - The clock strikes midnight and the Pink Panther realizing it's past his bedtime tries to get a bed at a local flophouse. He is turned away but luckily finds the key to a nearby apartment. He goes to bed but is awakened when the inebriated resident returns home. When the drunk sees the Panther he thinks it's a liquor-induced hallucination and calls his AA sponsor. His sponsor gathers all the alcohol in the house and throws it in the trash. While the two of them are celebrating with a glass of milk the Panther saunters through the house. The two men run outside to collect the liquor they just discarded. Sique Sique Sique - Sgt. Deux-Deux becomes a Mr. Hyde as the Inspector searches the home of a mad scientist. Pink Ice - In a lovely thick area of the forest is the unique home of the debonaire Pink Panther. As he takes us on a tour of his home we find that he is a collector of jewels which he stocks at the next door DeBeer's Diamond Mine. He enters his vault and notices that a couple of gems are missing. He goes to the mine to look for his jewels but the clumsy owners of the mine Deverex and Hoskins try to outwit the Panther in his search but manage to only get themselves in trouble. The Panther cleverly induces a brawl between the men and while they are quarreling nonchalantly recovers his jewels and returns them to his vault.

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