Hanging Up

Comedy • PG-13 • Directed by: Diane Keaton • 95 minutes

When Eve (Meg Ryan) isn't being pulled in a million directions by her own life, she's being sucked into lengthy phone conversations with her cranky father (Walter Mathau) or her two sisters, successful magazine entrepreneur Georgia (Diane Keaton) and career-challenged Maddy (Lisa Kudrow). As the family becomes more and more dependent on Eve, transforming her into the human switchboard that connects them all together, Eve discovers that the ties that bind can also be the ties that gag! Her revelation doesn't sit well with her sisters, though, forcing Eve to realize that sometimes to be heard, you just have to, well, hang up! From the novel by acclaimed writer Delia Ephron, producers Laurence Mark (Jerry Maguire) and Nora Ephron (You've Got Mail), and director Diane Keaton comes Hanging Up.

Other films by Diane Keaton