April is in my Mistress' face
Sing we and chant it
So ben mi ch'a bon tempo
Shoot, false love, I care not
O occhi, manza mia
Dainty, fine, sweet nymph
I vostr' acuti dardi
In these delightful, pleasant groves
Mon coeur se recommande a vous
I thought that love had been a boy
Colette (Ronde Villageoise)
Mi sfidate
Matona, mia cara
Rest, sweet nymphs
Bonjour, mon coeur
Now is the month of Maying
Radiant stars, above the mountains glowing (Nocturne)
Au joli bois je m'en vais
Grace, my lovely one, fair beauties
My Bonny Lass
The Silver Swan
Adieu, sweet Amarillis
S'io ti vedess' una sol
Spring returns
Let go, why do you stay me?
Ich waiss mir ein Meidlein hbsch und fein
Flora gave me fairest flowers
Cloud Messengers
Lady, your eye my love enforced
Petite Nymfe folatre