The She Set: She
Sounds Shapes: quarternote=60
Summer Is Over: who were so dark
Purer Than Purest Pure: goo-dmore-ning
Out of More: nine birds (i)
Summer Is Over: summer is over
Sounds Shapes: floating
Summer Is Over: in Spring (ii)
Out of More: hush)
Out of More: nine birds (ii)
Purer Than Purest Pure: jake hates
Out of More: when serpents bargain
Summer Is Over: in Spring (i)
The She Set: Orpheus
Purer Than Purest Pure: purer than purest pure
Sounds Shapes: quarternote-60
Summer Is Over: the of an it
The She Set: Isis in Despair
The She Set: Prayer before drowning
Purer Than Purest Pure: I thank You God
Why (?) Jacob: Why (?) Jacob
Summer Is Over: so many selves
Purer Than Purest Pure: o the round little man (i)
Purer Than Purest Pure: who sharpens every dull
Out of More: or who and who)
Purer Than Purest Pure: o the round little man (ii)
Summer Is Over: this is a rubbish of humanr rind
Out of More: out of more