Bear Foot Soldiers / Royal Rodent / Judo Ex-Expert

Animation • • Directed by: The Yogi Bear Show • 22 minutes

Trouble occurs when soldiers on maneuvers in the park camouflage themselves in bear suits--but forget to notify Ranger Smith of the exercises! / Snagglepuss talks his way into a cushy job at the King’s palace. His task is to rid the royal premises of Bigelow, the pesky mouse. But Bigelow is not about to give up a good thing, what with all that cheese in the royal larder. Snagglepuss tries to distract the king from his poor performance by telling him a joke. The king appoints Snagglepuss to be court jester and Bigelow, disgusted at the low state of court jesting, leaves voluntarily. / Fortified by a correspondence course in the art of judo, little Yakky challenges his worst enemy Fibber Fox to a test of strength, much to Chopper’s dismay. Chopper steps in and manages to save Yakky by pretending to be tossed around by the little duck. The fox is impressed, and so are all his relatives. They decide to leave Yakky Duck strictly alone from now on.

Other films by The Yogi Bear Show