I'm Building Me a Home (Live)
Betelehemu (Live)
Alleluia (Live)
Zachary and the Scaly Bark Tree (Live)
Impossible Dream (Live)
Who'll Join? (Live)
You Better Run (Live)
You May Bury Me in the East (Live)
Baby in a Guinea Blue Gown (Live)
Zion's Walls (Live)
Sing to the Lord: All Breathing Life (Live)
Seek Ye First (Live)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Live)
Ritmo (Live)
I Am In Need of Music (Live)
I'm Building Me a Home
Emmanuel (feat. The Morehouse College Glee Club)
He's Got the Whole World
My Soul's Been Anchored
Seek Ye First
Bound for the Promised Land
Who’ll Join!